Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ACL Re-Hab Phase 1

16 weeks post operation.

3 day Program. A-B sessions.



Table stretches

Mobility - Quadruped T-spine rotation, spiderman stretch, ankle mobility, leg swings, reaching single leg deadlift, reverse lunge, lateral lunge, rotational lunge, bodyweight squat.

Dynamic Warm Up - Knee hug, Heel to butt & reach, straight leg walk, backward reaching SLDL, spiderman walk, inchworm, A-skip, knees up, heels up, straight leg skip, backpedal, 1 Arm KB suit case carry.

Plyos - linear bounds 2x6 each leg, linear line hops 2x6 (ACL leg), linear box hops (Good Leg) 2x6

Medball Throws - OH throw 2x10, standing side throw 2x10

Strength and Power:

A1: Hang Clean 3x5
A2: Table Hip Flexor Stretch 2x8

B1: Trap Bar Deadlift 3x5
B2: Incline DB Press 3x8
B3: Plank Row 2x5

C1: BW Split Squat 3x8 (Deload with TRX when ACL leg is the back leg)
C2: 1/2 Curl & Press 3x8
C3: 3PT DB Row 3x8
C4: Side Plank 2x20/30/40secs

D1: TRX Rows 2x12
D2: Push Ups 2x12



Table stretches

Mobility - Quadruped T-spine rotation, spiderman stretch, ankle mobility, leg swings, reaching single leg deadlift, reverse lunge, lateral lunge, rotational lunge, bodyweight squat.

Dynamic Warm Up - Lateral Skip, Cross-over skip, Cross-under skip, caricoa, lateral shuffle, lateral crawl w/push up x5, 1 Arm KB suit case carry.

Plyos - lateral bounds 2x6 each leg, lateral/medial line hops 2x6 (ACL leg), lateral/medial box hops (Good Leg) 2x6

Medball Throws - Standing Chest Pass 2x10

Agility Drill - 1, 2 shuffle and stick w/ hoops 2x6

Strength and Power:

A1: Hang Clean 3x5
A2: Table Hip Flexor Stretch 2x8

B1: Weight Chin Up 3x5
B2: Box Squat w/ Band at Knees 3x8
B3: FE Plank 2x20/30/40secs

C1: Bench Press 3x5
C2: 1 Arm KB SLDL w/ RNT 3x8
C3: Standing Isometric Pallof Press 2x20/30/40secs each side

D1: TRX Rows 2x12
D2: Single Leg Squats w/RNT 2x8

Stay Strong,


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